Photography is a flat world, no sounds or smells, no size or movement. Only a few small fragments of the immensity of space and time. Yet this is precisely its charm: ignore the superfluous to focus on the true essence of things.
-October 2005: 1° prize concorso fotografico APAV
-October 2007: 1° prize concorso fotografico CNVM
-October 2008: 2° prize concorso fotografico agricoltore ticinese
-June 2013: 1° prize concorso fotografico Bosco Gurin "Villaggio da cartolina"
The lens of the camera becomes a powerful beacon, capable of guiding the eye over the invisible rocks of preconceptions, and lead to new perspectives. For this reason my photography is very much based on feelings, and my favorite technique is to press the shutter even before the brain has decided what to frame. The result images are instinctive, sometimes even rude, in which the main protagonist is always the primordial contrast between light and shadow.
Here are some of my favorite shots: