Definitions of skills and strength.
1: tour that mainly follows gravel roads and wide single-tracks with low slopes. It requires basic knowledge of mountain bike offroad driving.
2: tour that follows gravel roads and single-tracks that are mainly smooth, but can partly be narrow and steep. It requires good offroad driving skills.
3: tour that follows bumpy, narrow and exposed single-tracks. It requires excellent offroad driving skills.
4: tour that follows hiking paths that can be very dangerous and difficult to ride, with unrideable sections. Only for very skilled and experienced bikers.
5: extreme tour that follows alpine pathways. It requires the perfect mastery of mountain biking and a good mountaineering experience.
1: short and relatively flat tour, can be accomplished even by untrained persons.
2: short tour with some challenging hills, can be accomplished by trained persons.
3: demanding tour with long ascents, can be accomplished by bikers in good physical condition.
4: hard tour with long ascents and high degree of slope. Possibility of long bumpy stretches or unrideable parts. Can be accomplished only by bikers in very good physical condition.
5: very hard tour, with extremely long and steep climbs, and many stretches where the bike has to be carried or pushed. It requieres many hours of intense physical stress. Can be accomplished only by bikers in very good physical condition and with high mental strength.